Jet Zoom Maintenance Release 1.1 rev 1210181422

Original event data now passed to handler so you can pull out useful info about the event e.g:

$('#myJetZoom').bind('click',function(evt, originalEvt){ // Bind a click event to a Jet Zoom instance.
alert(originalEvt.pageX + " , " + originalEvt.pageY);


If you find the JSON way of specifying options too long, Cloud Zoom will now accept a simpler syntax for specifying the options:

(old JSON way) data-jetzoom = '{"zoomImage": "/mypath.jpg", "useZoom": "#zoom1"}' 

can now be done like this:

(new short way) data-jetzoom = "zoomImage: '/mypath.jpg', useZoom: '#zoom1' " 

NOTE: the old JSON way still works.